When we hear the word art, our mind goes straight to museums or cities and in that context people may think “I’m not a big fan of art” or “I don‘t get it” or that art is for intellectual or artsy people.
I believe art is for them who want to experience it. Not one single person thinks the same way about a work/design like I do. We feel differen emotions that get stirred up depending entirely on our own history, story, everything that makes us us. Everyone is entitled to their own preferences and feelings when it comes to art.
We can’t define it. It’s something that for many years it hasn’t been attached a meaning that can explain it in the exact way as it’s supposed to.
What if an artist creates an idea and the art is made or manufactured by someone else? Can a chair be art?
Many historians, scientist, artists even normal people like us have tried to give somehow a definition, but everyone has different ideas what makes art art.
Okay, so I want to make an agreement: If no one can define exactly art, why do we try to give an explanation on art?